
Greene King launches new supplier platform

Greene King has hosted a pioneering supplier conference to launch a new platform to boost engagement with suppliers on all aspects of environmental, social and governance and build collaboration and innovation in the wider sector to reach net zero.

Called Greene King Engage, the industry-leading platform was launched at the inaugural Greene King For Good conference in Birmingham on Wednesday, 4 October.

The platform will allow Greene King to share knowledge, training materials, business requirements and policies with suppliers on all aspects of environment, social and governance. Additionally, suppliers will also share information, targets and initiatives to help realise shared benefits to enable more sustainable supply chains.

The move is the start of a shifting mindset in the industry from insularity to deeper collaboration on areas that provide a greater benefit for society and the environment, making it easier for businesses to invest with confidence in the future.

At the conference, visited by over 200 supplier partners of Greene King, attendees heard about the benefits of working together and signing up for the supplier platform, and how creating shared value would open up new business opportunities throughout the supply chain.

Greene King’s chief sustainability officer, Assad Malic, spoke to conference delegates. Afterwards, he said: “Rather than only looking inwards, it is incumbent on all of us to think bigger and help our vibrant industry grow and thrive in the face of a changing world. To reduce our environmental footprint, it’s vital we work together in an open and transparent manner to create circularity in our supply chain, look at how we can reduce waste and reduce our emissions through a fair and ethical value chain.

“We all know there is a huge amount of work ahead to reach net zero and we understand we cannot reduce our impact on the environment alone. The development of this platform, enabling us to work with our suppliers, sharing policies and information, really is a significant step towards this goal. We look forward to welcoming suppliers on board and tackling the challenges ahead together, armed with accreditable information.”

Also taking part in the event to support knowledge building were organisations including the Zero Carbon Forum, WRAP, Slave Free Alliance the Supply Pilot.

A key tool for future collaboration will be the new Greene King Engage platform, operated by Supply Pilot. It is going live in two phases, with food and drink suppliers having access immediately. Greene King is planning to add all other suppliers by the summer of 2024.

The platform will comprise an initial Kickstart Assessment, which is a survey requesting information about a supplier’s targets and practices. This in turn will help Greene King to better understand its suppliers’ capabilities, activities and awareness around carbon emissions and other environment, social and governance matters, including carbon reduction targets, human rights, responsible sourcing, waste and packaging and biodiversity.

The conference and launch of Greene King Engage supports the strategic roadmap aligned to Greene King’s science-based target to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.