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Greene King Apology

We launched our Calling Time on Racism manifesto in 2021 which set out our long term commitments to ensure that not only our pubs are welcoming to all, that we deliver on our ambition to become a truly anti-racist organisation.

Since then, we’ve made good progress. Importantly, the steps we are taking internally, training our teams up and down the country, are having a positive effect on creating an inclusive culture. We are proud that this work has seen Greene King recently receive the Diversity Champion of the Year at the Peach 20/20 and the PCRA Dare Diversity and Inclusion award. 

While we have much to be proud of, we know there is more to be done. We won’t always get it right. And it’s important to acknowledge those moments too if we want to build an industry that is open to all.

Recently, there was an incident at a Greene King pub that saw 12 individuals discriminated against and asked to leave by a member of our team. This behaviour is in contrary to all that we believe in at Greene King and we want to sincerely apologise to these individuals. Since then, we have ensured that the team in the pub has had full training in this area, in addition to our already existing company-wide efforts to promote inclusion and diversity and eliminate racism in our company.

We’re on a journey to Everyday Inclusion. We still have a way to go but we’re continually learning and working hard to make sure the pub and brewing industry is welcoming to all.

Greene King apology

Greene King sincerely apologises to the 12 individuals who were discriminated against by a member of our team and asked to leave or not attend our Rose and Crown pub in Woodford Green on 23 April 2022.

This behaviour is in contrary to all that we at Greene King believe in. We have a commitment to “Calling Time on Racism” and we are working hard across our business to make sure that we all consistently live up to these commitments and values. Since this incident we have ensured that the team in the Rose and Crown has had full training in this area, in addition to our company wide efforts. to promote inclusion and diversity and eliminate racism in our company.

We have apologised unreservedly to the 12 individuals involved in this incident paid them compensation as well as their legal costs and have made a charitable donation to The Traveller Movement at their request.