Greene King - Our History - 2015


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Britain Pubgoers Donate Nearly 17,000 Toys

Kind-hearted pubgoers across the country have made a record-breaking contribution to Hungry Horse’s third annual ‘Toy Boxing Day’ donation initiative.

Overall, the toy drive saw nearly 17,000 presents donated nationwide - a new Hungry Horse record.

The scheme provided gifts to those in need following research that estimated more than two million UK children would go without a present last month.

In the lead-up to Christmas, pubs supplied the donated toys to a nominated local charity. Customers at the Kings Arms in Bagshot have been billed as the ‘most generous locals in Britain’ after donating a whopping 2,500 toys to local charities last month.

In total, 235 pubs took part in the initiative, with dedicated donation stations inviting customers to drop off any preloved, new or unused toys.

The drive followed Hungry Horse research revealing the financial difficulties families face at Christmas, with 57% of parents saying they were worried about being able to afford their children’s presents last month.


Sarah Williams, Senior Marketing Manager for Hungry Horse, commented: “We brought our Toy Boxing initiative back for a third year because, quite simply, every child deserves the joy of a present at Christmas.

“We’re absolutely delighted to announce the final donation figures, with a staggering 16,986 presents donated nationwide – an impressive increase on last year’s 10,000. We’d like to thank every single person who contributed.

“And that’s not all, because there was one pub in particular that stood out - a massive well done to the Kings Arms in Bagshot, where the most generous locals in Britain donated an amazing 2,500 gifts.

“We look forward to doing all again, even bigger and better, this year!”

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